Safe Neighborhoods.
Great Schools.
High-Paying Jobs.


Contribute to Bring New Trusted Leadership to Anderson County


Contribute to Bring New Trusted Leadership to Anderson County

From the Classroom to Career

Issues that support bright futures for our children and grandchildren – safe and prosperous communities, strong public education that meets their needs, and in-demand and high-paying job opportunities while keeping Tennessee strong and free.

Safe Communities

Quality of Life

As Chief of Police, Rick always approached decision-making by asking how it impacted the people of Anderson County and if it would improve our quality of life. We can expect that same thoughtful leadership when Rick represents us in Nashville.

Protect Life and Seniors

Rick has more than 30 years of experience keeping the people of Anderson County safe as a deputy and Chief of Police. He knows that every life is valuable and that we need to do more to protect seniors from scams and elder abuse.

Drugs and Opioid Epidemic

Too many of our friends, church members, and neighbors have experienced the affliction of addiction. Rick has the experience and knowledge to know that fixing this issue is multi-faceted. We have to address the drug epidemic and its causes, support law enforcement with resources, stop drugs from coming into our community, and help the people and families devastated by addiction.

Illegal Immigration

It starts at the border. Rick believes we need to enforce federal immigration law and support border states in the fight to keep our nation secure. Tennessee should also hold the federal government accountable for the cost and impact of open border policies and require local law enforcement is given the information they need to enforce the rule of law and keep communities safe.

Great Schools

High Standards and Accountability

Lowering our expectations will never allow our children to reach higher. Our children are our future and too much is at stake for one million Tennessee public school students for us not to have accountability at every level. Rick believes strong schools are built on transparency and that high standards today will help Tennessee students be prepared for success tomorrow.

Parental Rights and Choice

Our schools are stronger when students are prioritized over politics and when parents are empowered to know how their student is performing, what their student is learning, and the options available to them to provide the best education possible. Students and their futures should always come first.

Career and Technical Education

We have to build more effective pathways between education and careers. Students in Tennessee should be empowered with the right knowledge and skills to graduate and pursue the college and/or career path of their choice. Rick supports investment in career-focused education and building pathways to help students prosper and realize their full potential.

Fully Fund Every Student

Rick understands that every child is unique and should be supported with an education that fits their needs and creates bright futures. The way the state financially supports the work of our schools and teachers should be unique as well, taking into account each student and their needs. Fully fund schools, pay our teachers well, and ensure funding has positive outcomes for our students and their futures.

High-Paying Jobs

Support Small Business

Rick’s wife, Mollie, operates a small business in Anderson County, Hoskins Drug Store. They know that it’s a blessing and burden, requiring hard work and sacrifice. They also know that small businesses are pillars of the community, providing local jobs and personal services you can trust. Rick will support small businesses and focus on policies that allow families to start and grow a business and prosper in Anderson County.

Combat Price Increases

As a fiscal conservative, Rick knows the best way to limit the federal government’s reckless spending from causing even more damage to Tennessee is to be responsible with state spending. We also combat inflation by lowering regulations and attracting high-paying jobs to our state.

Protect No State Income Tax

Tennessee is a leader in the nation for economic growth and prosperity. That is fueled by our conservative policies and low taxes. The state income tax should never come back. To ensure that, Rick knows the state must be responsible with spending, balance budgets, and let people live their lives free of an overburdensome government.

Grow the Economy and Jobs of the Future

While we enjoy healthy economic growth in Tennessee now, it wasn’t always this way. We have to protect the conservative economic victories that support the prosperity of Tennesseans. We also have to make sure that every Tennessean has a shot at that prosperity – in every corner of the state. That means educating our children for the jobs of the future, keeping taxes and prices low for those on fixed incomes, and making sure opportunity is created in every community in the state, not just a few areas.

Principled. Effective. Focused.


Why I'm Running

While I am running to serve you and the people of Anderson County as State Representative, I was recently given the most important title I will ever have – Pops. For my wife Mollie, it’s Lollie. We are the proud new grandparents to three boys: Jack, Eli, and George.

Becoming a grandparent changes your perspective. As law enforcement officer and Chief of Police, I worked hard to keep our community safe. As a father and a husband, I was blessed to raise a family in Anderson County and watch my daughters have children of their own. Now, as a grandfather, I worry for the future that my grandchildren will have. My opportunity to make an impact for them and every child in Tennessee is now, and I don’t want to waste my time.

We need leaders more interested with the future of Anderson County families, than in their own political future. We need thoughtful leaders who listen and work to solve problems, not chase headlines.

I want my grandkids to grow up in Tennessee and have every opportunity possible to live a prosperous and free life. That should be our aim for every child in Tennessee. I am committed to listening to the concerns and needs of the people of Anderson County and to working tirelessly to find solutions that benefit everyone.

Meet Rick

A Chief of Police, Trusted to Train Officers Across the State on How to Keep Tennesseans Safe and Free

Rick Scarbrough became the Executive Director of the University of Tennessee’s Law Enforcement Innovation Center on August 1, 2018. Before joining the university, Rick served 23 years for the Clinton Police Department, and the last 16 years as their Chief of Police. He began his law enforcement career serving six years at the Anderson County Sheriff’s Department.

As a law enforcement officer and husband to, Mollie, a pharmacist and co-owner of Hoskins Drug Store, Rick knows what it takes to keep healthcare costs low, support local businesses, and keep our community safe from crime and addiction.

Rick, Mollie, and their two daughters, Natalie and Rachel, were baptized at First Baptist Church of Clinton. Natalie and her husband, Jeff, have two sons, Jack and Eli. Rachel and her husband,  Burton, have a son, George.

Former Clinton Chief of Police

Executive Director for the University of Tennessee’s Law Enforcement Innovation Center

Husband of Hoskins Drug Store Owner, Mollie

Focused and Principled Conservative

Former Clinton Chief of Police

Executive Director for the University of Tennessee’s Law Enforcement Innovation Center

Husband of Hoskins Drug Store Owner, Mollie

Focused and Principled Conservative

Question? Rick will always work to ensure the people of Anderson County are heard!
Paid for by the Rick Scarbrough for State Representative, Jody Wright, Treasurer.